Let's go Warriors!
Revised link and promo code for state semi-final football game.
NEW Promo Code for people to use will be IHSAASF4
There is a code to purchase student tickets for the state football semi final game. We haven't shared it yet because it isn't working. We will share it as soon as it is working. Thank you.
State competition is expensive. Great way to support the team.
As part of our long-term plan, work began several weeks ago. Significant progress has been made in a short period of time!
We have been trying to publish the information for football playoff tickets. The website and info they are providing us has not been working. We will get it out as soon as it appears to be functioning.
Due to a gas leak south of Warrior Road, Warrior Road is closed from Old 75 to Old Lakeport. This will impact after school traffic. Please be patient after school. Law enforcement will be directing traffic at the corner of Old 75 and Warrior Road to help keep traffic moving. Busses 13 and 16 drop-off times may be impacted.
Zack Kloostra is selected to participate in this year's NWIBA high school honor band.
Anna Pry is selected to participate in this year's NWIBA High School honor band.
Congrats on a great season!
Semi finals. Let's go!
Sixteen 7th and 8th graders represented SBL at the NW Iowa Junior High Honor Choir Festival in Storm Lake on November 5. After an afternoon of rehearsals, students from 36 schools presented a concert under the direction of Luigi Enriquez from Iowa City and Kelsey Legore from Cedar Rapids. Congratulations to all of these SBL musicians!
1st Row L to R: Dani Thelander, Julianne Rassel, Sophia Cappetta, Savannah Moseman
2nd Row: Emily Eckhoff, Quincy Timmons, Charlotte Timmons, Evy TerWee
3rd Row: Roxy Dean, Makenna Crawford, Izzy Carrell, Bode Bockenstedt
4th Row: Hunter Guthmiller, Marcus Haase, Evy Edlund, Gabe DeAnda-Ramirez
Warriors upset the number one seed 3-2!!!
Let's go Warriors!
Superintendent Janzen will be on Drive Time on KSCJ 94.9 FM Thursday, Oct.31 between 5-6 pm. Listen in for the final conversation about the school bond issue! Vote Nov. 5. SBL: Strengthen-Build-Lead
Warriors are state bound!!
Kara Andersen of Sergeant Bluff-Luton High School has attained the highest individual honor available to Iowa high school musicians by being selected as a member of the 2024 All-State Choir. Kara is the daughter of Tony & Mary Andersen of Sergeant Bluff and is a vocal student of Christine Massey & Abby Shepherd.
The 2024 Festival will celebrate the 78th anniversary of this prestigious event. District Auditions for the 276-piece All-State Band, 214-piece All-State Orchestra and 601- member All-State Chorus were held Saturday, October 26, 2024 at LeMars, Hampton, Independence, Atlantic, Indianola, and Washington. Approximately 17% of the students who audition are selected for membership in the All-State ensembles. Participants will rehearse in Ames on Friday and Saturday, November 22 & 23, and the Festival Concert will be presented to the public at 7:30 p.m. p.m. in Hilton Coliseum, Iowa State University, Ames, on Saturday evening, November 23, 2024. PBS will record the concert for re-broadcast. Please check the Iowa PBS website (www.iowapbs.org) for the exact dates and times. This program is under the auspices of the Iowa High School Music Association and the Iowa Music Educators Association.
Tickets are $30.00 each, plus fees, and all seats are reserved. Tickets may be obtained for the Iowa All-State Festival Concert by contacting Ticketmaster- Orders may be placed online (www.ticketmaster.com) and go on sale October 29, 2024 at 10:00 am. Ticketmaster will charge a per-ticket convenience fee.
Congratulations Kara! We are very proud of you!!
At conferences on Thursday, the high school hosted a college and career fair for students.
The following SB-L high school choir students will be auditioning for the Iowa All-State Chorus this Saturday in LeMars: Izzy Brodersen, Kara Andersen, Abby Andersen, Kayden Thompson & Jax Sedgwick. Good luck!!
It's that time of the year again...time for the SB-L Music Booster annual Fruit, Meat & Cheese Fundraiser. The 7-12 band and choir students will be selling from now until Nov. 4th. If no one has contacted you and you would like to support the SB-L Band and Choir, please go to: https://myfruitsale.com/ , click on "shop now", click on "choose organization", select state "Iowa", then select organization "ZGSL Sergeant Bluff-Luton H.S. Band-Fall 2024 Sale", then click on "shop now". That will take you to the first page of the items. To get to page 2, click on the arrow at the bottom. Follow the prompts to order, checkout and pay. Thank you for supporting SB-L Music Boosters!