In an attempt to improve traffic flow on Port Neal Road and increase student safety, we are going to try a new traffic pattern at the middle school. We have worked with the Sergeant Bluff Police Department on this change. In simple terms, we are going to switch the direction of traffic flow. Here is the new traffic pattern:
To enter the middle school, you will come in the entrance on the south side of the parking lot (nearest the high school).
Traffic will flow from south to north.
When you turn into the drop-off lane, drop-off will be on the right and traffic will flow on the left. There is no long-term parking in the drop-off lane.
All parking lot traffic will flow from south (nearest the high school) to north.
When exiting the middle school, you must turn right if you are in the right lane and left if you are in the left lane.
During this trial period, to keep everyone safe, we ask all parents to please use the middle school drop-off lane rather than dropping them off on Port Neal Road.
This change will begin AFTER SPRING BREAK on APRIL 3. Personnel will assist with traffic flow the first few days and temporary signage will be installed. We will assess its success at the end of the school year and decide whether to keep it or switch back to the current traffic pattern. Thank you for your help and patience during this trial.