SBL News

We are excited to let you know that we will be continuing the Food 4 Thought (“F4T”) Program in the SBL School District. Food 4 Thought (“F4T”) strives to provide supplemental weekend food packs to students. If you choose to have your child participate, he/she will receive a food pack of nutritional food items every Friday during the school year. The food is at no cost to your child. If your child could benefit from the Food 4 Thought program, please return registration by Friday, September 1st..

Students are asked not to open the food pack until they arrive home. Examples of items that may be in the food packs consist of the following: fruit cup, pudding cup, ramen noodles, cereal bar, cereal, cocoa, juice pack, etc.

 If you would like your child to participate or have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school’s Food For Thought coordinator, Heidi Utesch at 712-943-8804 or