The 5th Grade students will have DARE graduation this Friday at 2:00 in the elementary school gym.  Parents are welcome to attend.  You may take your 5th grade student home with you following the graduation.  If you would like to take your other children home following DARE graduation, stop and sign them out in the office when you arrive.  

The last PTO meeting will be this Tuesday at 7:00 in the Elementary School library.  Officers will be elected.  If you want to get involved with the PTO next year, this is a great way to get started!!  

The PTO will be handing out RIF books to all elementary school students on Thursday.  Thank you to PTO for giving every student a new book to have at home over the summer.  

Preorders for this years Elementary Yearbook have ended.  If you missed the order, don't panic.  You may still order a yearbook from the company, but you will have to pay shipping charges and it will be mailed directly to your home. Ordere Here:   SBL Yearbook Store     

After 14 years at SB-L I have accepted a new job as an elementary principal of a 3-5 building as well as district special educaiton director with the Prairie City Monroe School District.  This was a very hard decision, but one that I felt was right at this time for myself and my family.  It will be bittersweet having to say good-bye to so many friends and families but I am looking foward to a new adventure living in Des Moines and being near my daughter, Alexis.  The district is currently advertising for a new principal and hopes to have hiring complete by the end of May.  Thank you for all your support and the well wishes I have already received.   

End of School Year Tips for Parents:

  • TALK IT OVER:  Invite them to talk about their experiences over the past year.  Help them recoginze and evaluate the changes and growth that has taken place.  

Weekly Snapshot - Specials Days in (4/5th Grade) & (3rd Grade):

Monday 5/6 (4/5th Day 3) & (3rd Day 2)

  • Mrs. McKelvey's class to pioneer school.

Tuesday, 5/7 (4/5th Day 4) & (3rd Day 3)

  • Mrs. Oleson's class to pioneer school

  • PTO Meeting @ 7:00 - ES Library

Wednesday, 5/8 (4/5th Day 5) & (3rd Day 4)

  • Mrs. Reynolds' class to pioneer school

  • Wednesday Dismissal

    • Bus - 2:15

    • Everybody Else - 2:20

Thursday, 5/9 (4/5th Day 1) & (3rd Day 5)

  • Mrs. Grohs' class to pioneer school

  • RIF Book Handout

Friday, 5/10 (4/5th Day 2) & (3rd Day 6)

  • Mrs. Lieber's class to pioneer school

  • 5th Grade Dare Graduation @ 2:00 - ES Gym

Weekly Reminders:

1.  Please notify the office if your student will be late or absent, by 8:45am.  If we do not receive a call, voicemail or email, then Mrs. Kloostra will call you.  We must account for all students absent from school.  Contact the office by email or phone 712-943-5563 option 2.

2.  If your child is leaving early from school, they will not be called to the office until you arrive.  This way we keep them in class as long as possible in the event you are running late to pick them up.  Advance notice to the office will help us locate your student more quickly.  Coming 5 minutes early will also help get your child out the door on time when leaving early.

3.  If your child goes to The Warrior Y Club after school and will not be going on a given day, please call and let them know.  A reminder the Warrior Y Club will be closed on late start and early out days.  

4.  At times seconds may be served during lunch.  Seconds and extra milk or milk with cold lunch is not covered under the free or reduced lunch program.   Students must have money in their accounts for those extra items.  

5.   Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:10.  The bell rings at 8:10 and  school begins at 8:15.  Students are counted tardy if they are not in their classroom at 8:15.  

6.  TeamMates Mentoring Program is open to students in grades 3-12.  Mentors are always needed to help make this program a success. If you or somebody you know is interested in being a mentor sign up  here.  If you would like to sign up your child to have a mentor contact Mrs. Lindberg.  

Times to Note:

7:30 - Front Doors Open

7:50-8:10 - Breakfast

8:10 - Bell Rings

8:15 - School Begins  (Tardy at 8:15)

11:15 - 5th Lunch

11:50 - 4th Lunch

12:30 - 3rd Lunch

3:15 - Bus Dismissal

3:25 - Dismissal

2:15 - Wednesday Bus Dismissal

2:20 - Wednesday Dismissal

Upcoming Events:

May 15 - 4th Grade Field Trip

May 17 - 5th Grade DARE trip to Ponca State Park

May 23 - Last Day of School with 1:00 Dismissal

Important Links:

Lunch Menu w/ Specials Days (on website)

May Lunch Calendar (printable) ( 3rd grade specials designated in the box)

Behavior Matrix

PBIS Matrix

Warrior Way At Home Matrix

SB-L Website 

Sergeant Bluff-Luton Elementary Facebook 

Specials Schedule (updated with new 3rd grade specials schedule)

Purchase Varsity Athletic Tickets (Go Bound)

1st Day School Supplies (purchase for next school year)

Don't forget we collect these items:

  • Box Tops

     - Download the Box Tops App to earn money for our school!

  • Pop Tabs

     for Ronald McDonald House - will be picked up monthly by National Honor Society Students

  • Hy-Vee Receipts

  • Casey's Rewards

     - Cash for Classrooms - Download the App to earn money for our school!

These items can be sent to school anytime with your child and put in the appropriate collection drawers by the office.

The Warrior Way Pledge:

Our Learning Community will be



and  Safe

It's the Warrior Way!

Be Kind,

Dr. McCrory

Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo