The primary and elementary schools have come together to have a variety of fun holiday dress up days in the month of December. This Friday is Polar Express PJ day where students can wear their favorite holiday pajamas. Along with PJ day we are going to have a schoolwide read-in in the gym at the end of the day. Students can bring a flashlight, blanket and/or pillow to use during the read-in to make themselves comfortable. See the attached flyer for all the days.
When driving through the parking lot, both in the morning at drop off and after school at dismissal, please abide by the stop signs at the crosswalk. Before school there are not crossing guards outside assisting students who need to cross through the parking lot so it is the drivers job to stop and look to ensure students are not crossing. Also, be sure to not stop or park on a crosswalk. This makes the students have to walk around and drivers may not see them and not know they are there.
Do your part in keeping EVERY student safe! If you have a high school driver dropping off or picking up, please visit with them about being safe in the parking lot. We had a near miss last week as a student was crossing through the crosswalk before school and a car did not stop and nearly hit this student. We were lucky this time, but that may not be the case if a distracted driver doesn't see a student crossing. Thanks for your cooperation!
Did You Know?
- We have 10 days left of school in 2023 and 18 days left for this quarter! The school year seems to be flying by. It is important for students to be in school daily, but if they are sick (running a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, etc) please keep them home. A reminder that they must be fever-free, vomit free and diarrhea free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
Weekly Snapshot - Specials Days in ( ):
Monday 12/11 (Day 3)
Tuesday, 12/12 (Day 4)
Wednesday, 12/13 (Day 5)
- Wednesday Dismissal
- Bus - 2:15
- Everybody Else - 2:20
Thursday, 12/14 (Day 1)
Friday, 12/15 (Day 2)
- Holiday Spirit Day
- Polar Express PJ Day
- Read-in Day (bring flashlight, blanket and/or pillow)
Weekly Reminders:
1. Please notify the office if your student will be late or absent, by 8:45am. If we do not receive a call, voicemail or email, then Mrs. Kloostra will call you. We must account for all students absent from school. Contact the office by email or phone 712-943-5563 option 2.
2. If your child is leaving early from school, they will not be called to the office until you arrive. This way we keep them in class as long as possible in the event you are running late to pick them up. Advance notice to the office will help us locate your student more quickly. Coming 5 minutes early will also help get your child out the door on time when leaving early.
3. If your child goes to The Warrior Y Club after school and will not be going on a given day, please call and let them know.
4. At times seconds may be served during lunch. Seconds and extra milk or milk with cold lunch is not covered under the free or reduced lunch program. Students must have money in their accounts for those extra items.
5. Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:10. The bell rings at 8:10 and school begins at 8:15. Students are counted tardy if they are not in their classroom at 8:15.
6. Winter is here so it is time to start sending a coat, hat and gloves to school daily with your child as the temperatures fluctate from morning to afternoon and day to day. When there is snow on the ground students will also need boots and snowpants. If you need assistance getting any of these items for your child, please contact Mrs. Lindberg at
7. TeamMates Mentoring Program is open to students in grades 3-12. Mentors are always needed to help make this program a success. If you or somebody you know is interested in being a mentor sign up here. If you would like to sign up your child to have a mentor contact Mrs. Lindberg.
Times to Note:
7:50-8:10 - Breakfast
8:10 - Bell Rings
8:15 - School Begins (Tardy at 8:15)
11:15 - 5th Lunch
11:50 - 4th Lunch
12:30 - 3rd Lunch
3:15 - Bus Dismissal
3:25 - Dismissal
2:15 - Wednesday Bus Dismissal
2:20 - Wednesday Dismissal
Upcoming Events:
December 22 - 1:00 Dismissal
December 25 - January 1 - No School
January 2 - School Resumes
January 11 - End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
January 12 - No School
Important Links:
Lunch Menu w/ Specials Days (on website)
December Lunch Calendar (printable)
Sergeant Bluff-Luton Elementary Facebook
Purchase Varsity Athletic Tickets (Go Bound)
Don't forget we collect these items:
- Box Tops - Download the Box Tops App to earn money for our school!
- Pop Tabs for Ronald McDonald House - will be picked up monthly by National Honor Society Students
- Hy-Vee Receipts
- Casey's Rewards - Cash for Classrooms - Download the App to earn money for our school!
These items can be sent to school anytime with your child and put in the appropriate collection drawers by the office.
The Warrior Way Pledge:
Our Learning Community will be
and Safe
It's the Warrior Way!
Be Kind,
Dr. McCrory
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~AESOP